You know that incredible rush you get when you are in your element… well I had the opportunity twice today to get that rush. This feeling is something to cherish and never take for granted. I’m on a massive high right now having just photographed Mount Taranaki – Egmont and Te Rewa Rewa Bridge on my last night in my kiwi homeland before returning back to my other home, Sydney in the morning.
PHOTOGRAPHY TECHNICAL INFO: Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III | Lens: EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM | Shutter Speed: 30 sec | Focal length 24.0 mm | Aperture: f/5.6 | Date created: 2/04/2013 – 8:04 PM | ISO Speed Rating: 800
Just as I was about to pack up after taking photos on dusk I thought I would experiment with a higher ISO and a 30 second exposures. It was actually pretty much pitch black but you wouldn’t think so. I can’t believe what can be captured with a long exposure!!! Can you see the peak of Mount Taranaki in the distance. The glow was magnificent and magical!!! You just don’t see these tones and luminosity. Can you see The Northern Star in the top right? To read more about Te Rewa Rewa Bridge and the inspiration behind it’s creation check out an earlier landscape post on my blog.
The great thing about tonight was that there was absolutely no wind so that meant I could do longer exposures than last time I was here in January and could capture the flax bush seeds sharply. I think I know where this image is going to look great!!! Mum and dad’s wall and my home!!!
The other exciting part of my day was that I got to do a self portrait needed for a bio for an exhibition [‘Call of Taranki’ at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery] at my tribal Maori Marae Owae Whai-Tara with the help of my dad and a friend. I wasn’t looking forward to it and was pretty exhausted but it all worked out better than imagined. My time back in my homeland and watching Mount Taranaki to see when it will emerge from behind the mist or clouds has been a brilliant experience. I am excited about posting more soon.

Whakakaitiakitanga – PRESERVING OUR PŪRAKAU THROUGH TOI Exhibition, Lysaght Watt Gallery Hawera
Whakakaitiakitanga – PRESERVING OUR PŪRAKAU THROUGH TOI Exhibition starting on Tuesday 8th February 2022 at Lysaght Watt Gallery, 4- 6 Union St Hawera. “Rāranga brings