Meet Kyla and her mum Chantelle who we photographed at our studio in Brookvale. Dad, Kelly is very ‘camera shy’ and wasn’t at Kyla’s first professional studio baby portrait session, but he promises to be in the next family portrait!!! As a parent he can now see the value of being captured in precious photos for his daughter to appreciate and treasure as a family heirloom. Kyla is a mini version of her dad which is conveyed in her contemplative close up portrait (bottom right image). It was adorable seeing and capturing Kyla’s giggles and grins. She had so much fun being the star of the photography shoot.I do have lots to thank Facebook for as Chantelle found me through my extended family face book group. Although we are related we had never met til last year. It has been a blessing getting to know more of my relatives from New Plymouth who also live in Sydney and being invited to celebrate Kyla’s first birthday over the weekend.
Chantelle and Kelly particularly loved this collection of portraits in one frame as it was a cohesive way to enjoy and reflect on different facets of their daughter’s character and physical attributes. As you can see, Kyla has lovely long eye lashes, gorgeous big brown eyes and a joyous happy smile that is absolutely infectious.
To see other examples of newborn and baby portraiture please click here

Whakakaitiakitanga – PRESERVING OUR PŪRAKAU THROUGH TOI Exhibition, Lysaght Watt Gallery Hawera
Whakakaitiakitanga – PRESERVING OUR PŪRAKAU THROUGH TOI Exhibition starting on Tuesday 8th February 2022 at Lysaght Watt Gallery, 4- 6 Union St Hawera. “Rāranga brings