Fusing the complexities of culture and personal storytelling, Tania proudly represents her Māori ancestry, sharing her learnings with the world.

“Tēnā tātou – Greetings … Am elated to share I’m one of 15 Canon Masters for Australia & Aotearoa – New Zealand.
Over the last 24yrs decades I’ve greatly appreciated exceptional support and friendship from the passionate, dedicated Canon Australia and more recently (over the last 6 yrs) the Canon New Zealand family so it is an honour to be announced as a “Canon Champion” today. My relationship began when I was in my early career as a 27yrs old and won New Zealand Professional Photographer of the Year. It had been an absolute dream come true to be the owner of the latest Canon camera gear. which was the prize for winning the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Grand Award. This was back in the days we shot with film. Since this time in 1997 I’ve loved and relied on Canon eversince.
Collectively the many people who make up Canon, are absolutely vital to the success of what I can deliver to my commercial, portrait and fine art clients.
Even from across the Tasman @canonaustralia were incredibly vital to the success of my largest ever commissioned NZ Fine art Museum Series titled ‘Pukauae’. These historical portraits featured Taranaki Wāhine (captured within our landscape) who carry the moko kauae (chin tattoo) connected with Tū Tama Wāhine o Taranaki, a wāhine lead organisation who are helping our Māori people to heal and revitalise our sacred cultural practices that were outlawed in 1914.
More recently Canon NZ also supported my desire to learn/explore astro photography related to our ancient Māori narratives of Living By the Stars.
It’s an absolute honour to represent my origins as a Māori Photographic artist and be able to advocate as a Canon Master.
Ngā mihi nui ki te whānau o Canon – huuuuuge acknowledgements to the Canon family.
To view my portfolio & Canon Master page click here”
To be in touch [email protected] mb +61 41 999 7556 | NZ +64 27 599 7556