
Real Farmer Feature Photography – Taranaki hills yield new promise
Feature in Real Farmer magazine for Client Rural Co. Featured are the Collier family from Mangamingi near Eltham who have diversified with manuka honey.

Pūkauae Exhibition Opening at Lysaght Watt Gallery, Hawera
Pūkauae Exhibition in partnership with Tū Tama Wāhine o Taranaki – 30 Years of Liberation Work. Featuring 18 Taranaki Māori Wāhine this collection of portraits

Commissioned Chevrolet Truck Portrait with Mount Taranaki
Before the world changed and we went into lockdown here in New Zealand, I had been developing a new service within my photography business, capturing

Photographic Exhibition Celebrating Revival of Maori Art Form of Moko Kauae
Opening night video for ‘Pukauae’ Exhibition at Puke Ariki Museum. The exhibition features 17 Wahine with the moko kauae. Photography commission by Tu Tama Wahine

Architect designed chapel style beach house alongside coastal walkway New Plymouth
Here is the stunning chapel style beach house of Jetcharm Barbershop owners Shaun and Cassie Conaglen of New Plymouth. Shaun who is a master builder and had

Opening Night of ‘TRIBE’ – a photographic exhibition by Maori Artist Tania Niwa
“My photography is all about connecting, capturing, and reflecting upon, the essence, character and soul of people, and their families, environment and culture.” Photographic artist